Delete A Blog On Blogger, How To Delete A Blog On Blogger

One of the first free blogging platforms that completely changed the blogging industry was Blogger. Blogger is a platform that many internet marketers and bloggers use to produce engaging content. It freed users from having to worry about other issues like hosting, website development, etc. by allowing them to establish a huge number of blogs for free.

How To Delete A Blog On Blogger

However, there must be a justification for your decision to delete a blog from Blogger if you made that choice. On Blogger, deleting a blog is not a difficult process. To deactivate your blog from your Blogger account, just adhere to a few easy procedures. I’ll walk you through the process of deleting a blog on Blogger in this post, as well as how to restore a blog on Blogger if you unintentionally deleted it.

How To Delete A Blog On Blogger

3 easy ways for deleting a blog on Blogger

Your blogger account’s deletion of a blog results in its permanent removal. Consequently, it is advisable to backup all of your blog material and themes in case you decide to return to them in the future. You could preserve a copy of the blog’s content and theme while still having the option to erase the original if you make a backup of it.

Posts, pages, and comments all count as backing up your blog’s content in this case. Keep reading for information on backing up your blog:

  • You’d need to sign up for a blogger account first using your Google credentials. If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking the “forgot password” option on your blogger account.
  • After signing in, you must ‘Select’ the blog you wish to delete and make a backup of.
  • To accomplish that, go to Settings and select others.
  • Locate the ‘Import and Backup’ Menu, then select ‘Import content’ to save your material to the computer.

Now that the blog content backup is complete. It is available for use whenever you wish. Let’s backup your blog’s theme in the interim so that it may be utilized again. Follow these steps to support your theme on Blogger:-

  • Decide the blog you wish to support with its theme.
  • Next, select ‘Themes’ from the menu on the side, which is located above the settings button.
  • After that, download the theme by selecting ‘Backup/Restore’.

When you need the theme again, having it downloaded will make it easier for you to meet the criteria. It’s time to go remove the blog on Blogger now that you have a backup of both the site’s content and its theme.

2) How do you remove a blog from Blogger?

Once you’ve made a backup of your previous blogger account’s blog and theme. Let’s remove the blog from your Blogger account right away. You must adhere to the guidelines below in order to remove a blog.

  • On the homepage dashboard, choose the blog you wish to permanently remove. If your blogger account has many blogs, you must choose the correct blog.
  • Go to settings now, and under the ‘Manage Blog’ section, select’remove your blog.’
  • Before deleting a blog, use the “download blog” option to download it and make a backup of it.

3) Permanently deleting a blog on Blogger

You must click on “Trashed Blog” in the upper-left corner of the screen to permanently erase your blog. Now select “Permanently delete” to remove them from your blogger account forever.

Note: Permanently removing the blog would also mean permanently losing all of its associated data, posts, and pages. Additionally, you wouldn’t be able to utilize the URL or recover a completely erased blog. Therefore, be careful to take this into account before permanently deleting a blog on Blogger.

How can I get my permanently deleted Blogger blog back?

Blogger users frequently unintentionally erase their blogs without understanding they would need them later. You may still recover your deleted blog on Blogger by following a few easy steps if you unintentionally erased it without making a backup on your PC.

A deleted blog on Blogger may be recovered quite easily, but only after 90 days have passed from the deletion. The blog post would be permanently removed from the server and all of its contents would be erased when 90 days had passed since its deletion. Following that, recovering the deleted Blogger post is quite impossible.

Follow the steps below to retrieve your deleted Blogger blog within 90 days:

  • First, you must use your Google credentials to sign in to your Blogger account.
  • Look at the left drop-down menu now, then click the ‘arrow’.
  • Under this section’s “Deleted Blog” heading, you may locate the names of your blogs.
  • Click on the blog you wish to restore right now.
  • From this point, you may either permanently delete the blog or get it restored.
  • By selecting “Undelete it,” you may restore your blog and have it appear in the main dashboard once again.

Currently, the procedure for recovering a deleted blog on Blogger only functions if you haven’t permanently destroyed your blog there or if you’re still inside the allotted 90-day period after deletion.

What if you wish to recover your blog after you’ve removed it permanently?

Many places would write that down as being impossible, however there is a technique to retrieve permanently deleted blogs on your Blogger account as well.

Let’s examine how to retrieve permanently deleted blogs from bloggers.

  • Getting back a blog that Blogger has permanently removed after 90 days

You may still recover a permanently deleted post even if you have deleted it for good or if 90 days have gone since you last did so. To begin the recovery procedure, you must first confirm that your blog was previously indexed in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It is not feasible to get them back if your blog was not indexed.

If search engines had in fact indexed your site, you would need to follow specific measures to restore the blog. But if you wanted to recover irreversibly erased blogs, you would need certain tools’ aid.

Start by attempting to retrieve the permanently lost blog from Blogger.

  • Start by going to the website.
  • Now enter the URL of the Blogger blog you recently removed.
  • The Wayback Machine will immediately begin to display all the details about the erased blog as soon as you input the URL. Gather all the connections you wish to restore from this point onward.
  • After gathering the information, you must make a new blog on Blogger with the same domain name as the previous blog.
  • Currently, manually import all of the content from the Wayback Machine that you wish to restore to this freshly formed blog. Make that the new blog’s URL addresses are identical to those of the previous one.
  • Lastly, release the article.