How to Activate PC MasterCard

Both online and offline methods for PC MasterCard activation are relatively simple to utilize for newly issued or replacement cards. The first step towards convenient and safe banking is activating a PC Money Account MasterCard. Through the use of its official website and mobile application, PC Financial has activated its PC Money account online.

MasterCard Activation through PC

Customers of PC Financial can activate their PC Money MasterCard accounts using the following straightforward procedures if they have created a New PC Money Account or are obtaining a Replacement card. There are no differences to activate between newly issued fresh or replacement cards, according to the reports. When completely activated, you get access to all of the card’s benefits, features, and services.

This straightforward article outlines many ways to activate your PC Money Account MasterCard, which is a simple procedure for both new and replacement cards. You can activate a new or replacement PC Money Account MasterCard by using the procedures.

MasterCard Activation through PC

The online activation process for new and replacement cards is the same. The techniques listed below will assist you in activating your PC MasterCard through the official PC Money & Mobile Application website.

How to Online Activate a PC MasterCard

  • Go to to see the official PC Financial website.
  • To log in, enter your “Username and password.”
  • Use the Menu choices to access the ‘Accounts & Cards’ area.
  • Choose ‘Cards’. Click “Activate Card” with the one you want to activate.
  • To generate a PIN and other things, enter the “Activation Code” and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Finally, you noticed a notification that said something like “Successfully Activated.”

How to Use a Mobile App to Activate a PC MasterCard

Android and iOS users with PC Financial accounts may activate their MasterCard accounts by following a few easy steps. Please be aware that there have been no changes regarding the activation of new or replacement cards on any device.

  • Open the mobile PC Financial application and log in.
  • Follow the menu choices to choose the ‘Cards’ option under ‘Accounts & Cards’.
  • Click “Activate now” after choosing the card you want to use.
  • Activation code entered. On the sticker attached to the card, the activation code is often written.
  • Then construct a PIN and confirm it by following the screen choices.
  • You’ve now successfully activated your PC MasterCard.

How to Phone-Activate a PC MasterCard

Anyone who is having trouble online activating their MasterCard account should call the PC Financial helpdesk for assistance. If there are any issues, the customer service staff will help you activate and repair them.

Use your registered mobile phone number to call PC Financial’s toll-free hotline at 18662467262, which is available around-the-clock.

What information must I supply to activate my PC Money Account?

Typically, questions about your identity ask for information like your name, birthdate, address, and social security number. Additionally, you might need to present identification and agree to the terms and conditions of the account.

Can I call to get my PC Financial MasterCard activated?

Yes, you may phone in and activate your PC Financial MasterCard. The customer care number is 1-866-246-7262.