Delete Periscope Account, How To Delete Periscope Account

Delete Your Periscope Account Here: The social media software Periscope enables users to transmit live footage. Recently, we learned that some app users desire to remove their accounts from the app. In some cases, we discover that it’s due to email spamming, while in others, we discover that they’re using a different app or wish to temporarily disable it.

How To Delete Periscope Account

If you want to delete your account because someone is sending you spam emails, we advise you to either label the email as spam or unsubscribe from their newsletter by clicking the link at the bottom of the email. If you want to remove your Periscope account for any other reason, I will walk you through the process step by step.

Users may post and watch live video footage on Periscope, a live video streaming service. Both iOS and Android smartphones support it. From their cellphones, users may both broadcast and see live video from other users.

People could decide to remove their Periscope account for a variety of reasons. They may have stopped using live streaming or they may have never used it that frequently. Perhaps they wish to protect their privacy or prevent the possibility of cyberbullying. It’s easy to remove a Periscope account for any reason.

Step-by-step Instructions for Deleting a Periscope Account

  1. Access your account on the Periscope website.
  2. Go to the top of the website and click the “Settings” option.
  3. Locate the “Delete Account” section by scrolling down and selecting the “Delete Account” option.
  4. In the confirmation dialogue box, enter your password, and then click “Delete Account” to finish the process.