Canada CIC Website Login, Canada Visa website Log-in

Fix for the Canada CIC Website GCkey Log in Loop – Takes You Back to the Language Selection Page. Use your login and password after clearing or deleting the cookies from your browser. There is no need to choose a language anymore.

CIC Login

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Despite using the right “GCkey” and password to log in, the Canada CIC immigration website may have a loopback problem that continues sending you back to the language selection screen.

You shouldn’t be concerned if you are having trouble logging into your “myCIC” account or the CIC. There is a straightforward fix, but it necessitates clearing browser cookies.

Your PC is in perfect working order. The Canada CIC website has a design issue.

Canada CIC immigration website, Loop Fix

1: Open in Google Chrome Browser

Launch the Canada CIC Login page in Google Chrome.

Click on the small lock icon in the browser’s address bar, and then click on ‘cookies’.

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2: Clear Cookies

To erase all cookies, select each cookie and then click “remove.”

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Clear off all cookies from the Canada CIC website.

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3: Login with GC Key

You may now access your application without the loop by logging in using your user name and password.


Are my GCkey login details accurate?

Your username and password are accurate if you are able to log in without encountering any problems, yet the website for Canada visas redirects you to the language selection page.

If you want to log in again and access your Canada visa application, you must erase your browser’s cookies.

Problems Logging Into the Canada Visa Website? Can you properly log in?

When you successfully enter your login and password, the website continually redirecting you back to the language selection screen, which is a problem that many users encounter.

Immigration Canada does not officially offer a solution to this problem. We have only found one solution that consistently works: erasing the browser cookies.

Can I still access the Canadian website after clearing my browser’s cookies?

You will be able to log in to the website with just one try if you delete the browser cookies that are particular to the Canada visa website.

Other solutions are not required.

Will utilizing the private mode of the browser help me avoid the Log-in issues?

The first time you access and log in to the Canada visa website, using Chrome’s “In-Cognitio” mode or Mozilla Firefox’s “Private” mode does work.

However, after the initial try, the cookies are saved, and you can start experiencing the loop issue once more.

I advise deleting the website’s cookies each time you log in.